Is there a repository for all known custom maps ?


  • golden_elite13

    I know that some servers provide URL for downloading custom maps, but I would like to see a list of available custom maps and download them from my web browser. Anyone has informations about this ?

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  • Comrade

    There isn't one place where you can download all the maps. At least not yet. I have some on my server here:

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  • golden_elite13

    Thank you Comrade, this is good, but indeed it is not complete list :D there are some maps such as Skill Yard that I'm looking for but could not find

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  • Comrade

    Ah Skill Yard. Well, Freebo made great maps. But he unfortunately left Crysis some time ago. Most of his maps are gone with him because they work properly only on his servers. At least his websites are still online:

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  • TIP

    Как загрузить свою пользовательскую карту на веб сайте раздела для загрузки карт нет

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