In July 2015, the multiplayer system GameSpy providing multiplayer for Crysis and many other games was bought by Glu Mobile and shut down. Multiplayer in Crysis officialy stopped existing and you cannot access multiplayer directly from the original game.
Crysis community took the initiative and started to work on alternative multiplayer systems. Unfortunately due to disputes, the community broke up into several groups, specifically in Crysis 1 two groups:
those who wanted profit and full control over the multiplayer -,
and those who wanted absolute freedom and fairness to everyone - (Crysis 1), (Crysis Wars)
I'm going to show you several reasons, why you should preffer CryMP and stay away from GermanCrysis/Desislava.
Where-ever possible, i will provide both link and screenshot to support claims, for case they decide to clear any of the evidences.
Only available and allowed servers are GermanCrysis or Desislava. Servers made by other people are BLOCKED!
You can only guess why, there is only 1 possible reason - they are affraid of proper server competition and losing the full power over multiplayer, which they have now.
When you come to their forum and ask for the reason, you get NO relevant ANSWER, everyone is pretending to be dead. In worse case, your account will get deleted for that.
Or watch this, how admin kicks players for fun, because server owner doesn't care:
GermanCrysis admins also use their chatcommands to give themselfs money, weapons or vehicles, or get things which others can't get.
Here an admin Vv_Luke is using commands to get for free a VTOL, which is disabled on the server, so others cannot even buy it for money.
[img]" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">
Next time he is giving himself Gauss Rifle after driving up on the far mountain, gaining unfair advantage, playing like a noob, and what's most important - BREAKING OWN RULES!
That's what i call a "great admin" and "great player"![/img]
We asked moderators at Crysis forum and result was:
[img]" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">
Obviously that was just a marketing trick to fool players to make them think, that this is the only right way to continue playing multiplayer after GameSpy shutdown. Cheap and unfair.
2. they lie about number of players
On steam forum you can read things like:
At the same time they say GermanCrysis is 24/7 full, providing some screenshot from a local one-time record
Well we can do that too!
Of course, you can anytime check their own banners at their own website to check the current amount of players
And of course, they will tell you, that the banners don't work and show incorrect number of players, because "in real they have full servers" ...
[img]" target="_blank">
At the same time they say GermanCrysis is 24/7 full, providing some screenshot from a local one-time record
Well we can do that too!
Of course, you can anytime check their own banners at their own website to check the current amount of players
And of course, they will tell you, that the banners don't work and show incorrect number of players, because "in real they have full servers" ...
[img]" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">
Which is just another from the thousand of lies everywhere around.
Then you just start your Crysis with their patch, open a multiplayer lobby, and see exactly the same.
The truth is, GermanCrysis have just about the same amount of players as CryMP has - very little. Slightly more during casual weekdays, but less during Saturday evenings, when CryMP organizes a regular events, when all go play at the same time.
3. they lie about us being hackers and game destroyers
Spreaded on their forum and on the internet you can find false accusations like this:
Without ANY SINGLE PROOF anywhere. Just plain empty nonsense with only purpose - discredit us and our reputation to scare away our players and reinforce own domination.
4. they lie about them developed OWN multiplayer system
Although there isn't any direct claim on their forum, that GermanCrysis developed the patch, everything was made to look like so. And you can find such claims outside on the internet:
Truth is, they did nothing! They just use other multiplayer system made by somebody else and their patch only redirects you to it. All without ANY SINGLE reference or credits to the true author or the true multiplayer system being used.
For explanation and technical details about GermanCrysis Multiplayer Patch, read this:
Basicaly every single word from mouth of these people is a lie, you cannot believe them the nose between their eyes.[/img]
It is a result of a known hack tool, and it was confirmed by its author, that it is his application doing it.
It completely loads all CPUs and freezes the whole server, making it impossible to play and also impossible to connect, BUT without crash, therefore without autorestart. First attack came from the same IP from Bulgaria, but after we firewalled that IP, hacker started to use VPN and attack from all parts of the world. Attacks had been going on for weeks until we found how to protect from it.
At about the same time, friendly servers in unpatched Crysis version were being hacked and crashed by AMD and his friends, which was obvious here:
and he later admited it himself:
[img]" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">
2. systematic false propaganda
After they found out they cannot win a "cyber" war, they started to systematicaly spread targeted lies and slander about us all over the internet, brainwashing their community members in forum and in game, and censoring/banning everyone who dared to disagree. Nowdays about half of people on the internet already believes them and rather use GermanCrysis patch because missinformation. It is simmilar situation like currently in Russia or North Korea.
Best source of information for you to create your own opinion on this is forum and forum." style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">
One Ecstasy was a very popular Russian server, probably the most popular from the whole Crysis 1. After we saw this, we asked directly its author/owner Jaronsis on skype and he refused any participation or relation with GermanCrysis.
Fortunately these servers dissapeared very quickly.
Obviously "slightly" inspired.
Another example - Crysis review by Games2TheMax long time ago
And suprise - the same video with text added to advertise GermanCrysis
Basicaly every single idea/feature/functionality made by desislava team is stolen, including the multiplayer system itself!
Trying to investigate the highlighted author, you will get this:
Simmilarly on other torrent sites:
That profile picture looks familiar, doesn't it?
[img]" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">
What a suprise! o_O It's our beloved desislava!
[img]" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">
There there are plenty of answers to non-existing posts. And even request to not delete it .. it happened anyway." style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">[/img]
highlight from server rules on
and the best from chat on
[img]" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">
Seriously? What kind of person is able to say that?
Reasons to avoid GermanCrysis and Desislava
GermanCrysis is a German community with website and few game servers. The game servers are hosted by small family hosting company Desislava. Desislava team has developed and in the name of GermanCrysis released a "Crysis Multiplayer Patch" here However when you install it into your game and give it a try, you will soon realize few things.1. only allowed game servers are those from GermanCrysis/Desislava
When you start a game and enter multiplayer lobby, this is what you will see:
2. admins abuse their powers
GermanCrysis is known to have one of the worst admins the gaming world has ever seen, they abuse their powers in both game and forum to deal with uncomfortable players. They kick/ban players for fun, for being better than them or for having different opinion. Just take a look at their forum: [img][/img] Or watch this, how admin kicks players for fun, because server owner doesn't care: GermanCrysis admins also use their chatcommands to give themselfs money, weapons or vehicles, or get things which others can't get. Here an admin Vv_Luke is using commands to get for free a VTOL, which is disabled on the server, so others cannot even buy it for money. [img]" target="_blank">
3. global bans
Since there are only their own servers, when these admins decide to not like you for whatever reason (for example for you being simply better), they can perma-ban you from the whole multiplayer with one click, and with them having full power over the forum too, you have no chance to ever come back or even discuss your ban. You wonder how can anyone still play there and why they are more popular? Well, simply because:4. admins are liers and propagandists
They lie just about everything, whatever it takes to attract more players, no moral limits. 1. they lie about being official partner of Crytek 1 month before GameSpy announced shut down, they started spamming into game global chat this:[/img] We asked moderators at Crysis forum and result was: [img]" target="_blank">

5. admins use unfair practics to beat competitors
Some of the admins are not affraid to use any means neccesary to put any competitors out of business and become number one for all cost. No moral limits are involved. Their acting includes: 1. crashing and freezing servers with hacktools Our servers suddenly started crashing, whenever there were more than 10 players. We searched for a reason, opened logs and found this: the last lines in Server.log before crash were:[/img] It is a result of a known hack tool, and it was confirmed by its author, that it is his application doing it. It completely loads all CPUs and freezes the whole server, making it impossible to play and also impossible to connect, BUT without crash, therefore without autorestart. First attack came from the same IP from Bulgaria, but after we firewalled that IP, hacker started to use VPN and attack from all parts of the world. Attacks had been going on for weeks until we found how to protect from it. At about the same time, friendly servers in unpatched Crysis version were being hacked and crashed by AMD and his friends, which was obvious here: and he later admited it himself: [img]" target="_blank">
7. they steal names of previously popular servers
When even this did not help enough to get all the players, they also tried to start servers with names of previously known and popular server owned by other people before GameSpy shutdown. Examples follow:" target="_blank">
7. they steal ideas and features from our servers on CryMP
Several times Zi or Freebo developed some new feature to run on our servers. Few days later the same feature "miraculously" appeared on GermanCrysis servers without mentioning us of course. One example is a walljumping race map, a script, which generates concrete blocks, chained together special way constituting a walljumping race up to high altitude. Very original idea and great opportunity for walljumpers to practice various jumping techniques and have some fun. It was developed by Zi and tested 16.8.2014 28.8.2014 we found this thread on GermanCrysis forum
8. they claim no craking/pirating game, but seed torrents
On this page and on many other places GermanCrysis/Desislava admins claim they support no cracking or pirating software, that you must buy legal copy of the game. [img][/img] Trying to investigate the highlighted author, you will get this: [img][/img] Simmilarly on other torrent sites: [img][/img] That profile picture looks familiar, doesn't it? [img]" target="_blank">
9. they edit/delete forum posts and private messages
Few GermanCrysis admins like to delete whatever posts they don't like and delete accounts of whoever they don't like. Specificaly my account on GermanCrysis with all associated posts was deleted 2 times, both of which when i was just trying to explain things and clear rumors up. Zi's account even more times. When we realized, the forum is no way to communicate, Zi also tried to send private messages directly to the former owner O'Neill telling him about his admins behaviour. The messages were intercepted and deleted by those admins before the recipient could read it. You have ZERO chance to ever discuss any problems with the owner. It's difficult to get some direct proofs on this one, because the threads and accounts are usualy deleted sooner, than i realize i should printscreen it. However some of traces and signs of this censorship still remains on the forum. For example this: [img]" target="_blank">
10. they do it only for commercial purposes
Actualy, there is a way to run own server at GermanCrysis multiplayer system. When you PAY hosting at! Probably just a "coincidence" they are a family hosting company." target="_blank">
Ladies and gentleman, this is DICTATORSHIP, a regular TOTALITY of few power-hungry and money-hungry admins. They attained admin rights to gain power over other players and destroyed the server competition, so that unsatisfied players have nowhere else to go.
Now to be fair, this concerns only few specific people and not the whole community, it would be ugly to say whole GermanCrysis and Desislava is evil. But these few evil people are on the top, they are in charge of administrating the game, forum and multiplayer system and they will do whatever they want with you. They also appear on the internet speaking in GermanCrysis name. So between those assholes among GermanCrysis namely belong: AMD, alex_daimler, MiamiWar, Vv_Luke; and among Desislava it is namely: desislava, embak, van40/keneti.I'm supporting these claims with the following screenshots:
some screens from GermanCrysis and ExtremeReplay chat:[/img] highlight from server rules on [img][/img] and the best from chat on [img]" target="_blank">
What are the alternatives?
for Crysis 1: ; for Crysis Wars: Reasons to preffer them are here:
The ONLY reason i see, why you would rather play on GermanCrysis is the raw average count of players per time, which is SLIGHTLY (nothing substantial) higher there, because of the massive slanderous propaganda they are spreading against us from the early beginning all day long. Now you may say, we are same as they are, when we write such bad things about GermanCrysis/Desislava. You might be partialy right. BUT there are 2 little differences. 1. We're just reacting. 1 year we have been patiently and politely asking for peace and cooperation. Nothing happened, except their aggression intensified on germancrysis, steam or youtube. Now came the time to strike back and show the world the truth which they have been denied. 2. We have proofs and evidences for most of our claims. They have NOTHING. Just plain bullshits.So please, don't be a brainwashed sheep, don't support assholes with your presence. Let the truth and freedom win against lie and totality, in at least 1 little place in the world, which was supposed to be fun and relax from unfair reality.
Now if somebody wants to add something, you are welcome. This thread is open and free for discussion, no censorship will be applied.❤️ 0