Because of Network's birthday we've decided to finish old ideas for website, SSM or Client this summer.
Finally we have added 2 usefull functions I always wanted to see on servers list to make it more comfortable.
1. Server description which tells players what mods, limits, changes are on server or which maps are in rotation for example. Also can be info what time we can meet on this server with admin or other things like that. Very useful for community communication :)
2. Finally list of players which I have put on the right. List can show up to 8 players who are on-line right now - with their score. So you don't need anymore to look for numer of players - in basic server info. All you have to do is just scroll down whole servers list and you can be sure you won't miss players. To make it even more helpful I've prepared special style for window with players (orange/yellow) and for empty server without anybody playing. I hope it will help for everyday searching for friends who are on-line and playing :)
Besides - I've remade subsite about events. Now it shows Friday and Saturday event together - with full description. If something special is coming - you can be sure you won't miss it there. If it's going to be standard IA / PS event you will also find this info there. Also with pictures of maps which are going to be there as basic ones in rotation. Soon more things on events. It's only the beginning.
More things like that will come soon on website. I can't tell what yet. But it's coming :)

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