Can't see my own server

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  • Stefan

    Yes, I've managed that part. Can you check if you can join? Does it allow the connection?

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  • Zi;

    The fact that it appears on webpage, means that people can join :D CryMP does that check for you here.

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  • Stefan

    Not necessarily. A few years ago when it was on the list, people couldn't join because port wasn't properly forwarded.

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  • Zi;

    Yes, but since last year, CryMP automatically checks all servers every minute and if it's impossible to connect them, they are hidden from website list, but they still appear in that in-game list

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  • Stefan

    Okay. I managed to open the ports, and I can see my server on the website, but not in-game list. What can be the problem now?

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  • Comrade

    If you use SafeWriting, make sure you have "sv_master" in server.cfg file. It has to be "sv_master", not "sv_master =".

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  • Stefan

    Nice! That worked. Apparently I'm still using old configurations of my server, as the last time I ran it was in 2014 I think, lol.

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